Comments on: AI: ChatGPT vs Bard Empowering For Success Tue, 25 Apr 2023 00:19:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Henry Zephirin Tue, 25 Apr 2023 00:19:31 +0000 In reply to Er Shen.

HI Shen,
What a pleasure hearing from you!
Congratulations on your new position. They are lucky to have you. You have a lot of knowledge and are a very accomplished professional. The hours are good, vacations great, and benefits attractive. Additionally, they have a pension plan that provides greater financial security for your family in the future.
The real world has always moved faster than education at the primary and secondary levels. This has never been so true as nowadays. AI is bringing new and enhanced possibilities.

A reluctance to disturb you stopped me from contacting you. I will do so in the near future. Maybe we can go for coffee or tea.
Please give my regards to Nancy.
Henry Zephirin

PS I just saw your message. Hence, the reason for the late answer.

By: Er Shen Tue, 04 Apr 2023 16:15:14 +0000 Good Morning! Mr. Zephirin,

This is Er Shen. I’m very glad to see you blogging and sharing your thoughts on the key issues of the world of today. Guess what, as a former teacher, now I went back to my old territory – Education. I’m working for EMSB’s IT department as a CMS specialist now.

It may be my destiny. After I worked in the fields of technology, media, and education, it’s time to bring them together and make some dents. Now, I’m spending a lot of time thinking of AI’s impact on education and doing some research on it out of my personal interest.

My major concern is, AI is evolving at a lightning speed, but our kids and education system are not ready!

Anyway, it’s great to see you working on this topic.

Take care and all the best,


By: Vanessa Fri, 03 Mar 2023 19:55:50 +0000 Very interesting
